I have 50 thousand followers and less than 1% of engagement in my posts. Since the beginning of social networks, companies have fought to obtain more likes than competition and that could be partially bad if it’s not done wisely. For example when an agency has the...
We put creativity,
technology and data to
the service of great ideas
and we are committed to
build a new web positioning
which conforms to the
needs of your business.
By admin_agenciadigital
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You know a lot about your products and what you sell, but if you’re starting to create your company’s profiles in different digital channels, you have to know how to do it right and which mistakes are to be avoided. Many of those who start using the social networks say that Facebook doesn’t work to sell their products or that Facebook doesn’t work at all.
Facebook is a very famous tool, along with Twitter, Instagram or Google, but if your business doesn’t work in social networks it’s not their fault, it’s more like you don’t have a marketing plan that makes your brand obtain relevance in the digital channels.
Let’s see which are the steps to follow to gain a better positioning for your brand in the different digital channels. Let’s start!
1. Update your website.
It’s important to have a website and keep it updated every day or week. It’s functional for your clients to see your projects, products, services, etc. Remember that your website is your business card.
Besides keeping it up to date and using it as your presentation card, your website will be key to keeping track of the people that interact with your campaigns in social media and google. How is it possible? Let me tell you that there exists a facebook tool that you can download and paste on your website. This code is called Conversion Pixel and it will ensure that the people who visit your website will receive your ads on facebook.
The same thing happens with Google Adwords, you can download a code and embed it in your web site and use it for remarketing ads in different websites related to the interests of your target
2. Publish content in your networks that lead to your web.
You have to create interesting blog posts, whether trendy or based on what your customers want to know about you or your products and services. All this information has to lead back to your web, that’s why it is important to have a website, to build traffic and keep track of your clients. It’s important not to publish content just to do it, you have to research what your clients want to know or which questions they ask more in your networks.
Publish content in your social media that leads to your web.
3. Set clear goals.
You have to establish goals in your digital channels and you have to ask yourself these 3 questions:
- What’s going to be your monthly budget? It’s important that each month you set a budget to invest in your social networks, but keep in mind that if you don’t dedicate time to the networks you will waste money without reaching your goals. It’s better to address a professional in social networks campaigns or a digital agency dedicated especially to these channels.
- How often will you post on social media? This question goes along with the two previous questions and it is fundamental to make it work, because if you’re not constant in social media you will not achieve your goals quickly. You have to be very active in social media and when I say that it doesn’t mean to post once a week or, as many people do, once a month. You have to post at least 3 or 4 times a week. Only then your campaigns will be successful.
4. Key aspects for a Digital Marketing plan
You already know that establishing Goals is a key aspect in your Digital Marketing plan, but there are other important aspects.
- Make a schedule: You have to make a schedule to help you know on which days you’re going to post in social media, on which days you will campaign or launch a new topic in your blog, etc. A schedule is the key to order your thoughts.
- Assign responsibilities: If you can’t rely on staff and you will be the one who does everything, I suggest using tools like Hootsuite, Canvas, etc. These tools will ease the process in your social media.
«Having a plan helps you to see how your Digital Marketing works and discover that you can improve.»
In short…
5. How is it supposed to be a Digital Marketing plan?
- Targets: (What are they? How does Digital MKT help me achieve them?)
- Actions: (What do you have to do to reach your goals?)
- Channels: (Which Digital MKT channels will you use? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, Youtube, etc)
- Who? When? (Which person will handle the job?)
Remember something really important, first of all you have to know your audience.
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